Star Work

As part of our program we aim to complete the basic requirements for 2 stars each Cubbing year. These are covered during regular meetings and specially arranged activities such as camps etc.

If you missed a particular meeting and wish to complete the star requirement covered, the material can be found at the following links (or e-mail the leaders who can then send you the material). Once you have completed it, bring it in for review by a leader and to update your Cub Book

For this Cubbing year we have covered the following Star / Badge Requirements:

24th Sept 2010: Green Star: A1, Purple Star: A1

1st Oct 2010: Green Star: A9

15th Oct 2010: Green Star: A6

22nd Oct 2010: Green Star: A5, A10. Camping Badge: 2, 6. Trailcraft Badge: 1e, 2. Hiking Badge: 4, 5.

12-14th Nov 2010: Green Star: A7, B4, B6, B1 (1 Hike). Hiking Badge: 3, 6 (1 Hike), 7. Camping Badge: 5a. Trailcraft Badge: 2d

3rd Dec 2010: Green Star: A4, B3

4th Dec 2010: Purple Star: B1, B7

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