Create YOUR Path!
With the Canadian Path, all Scouts are involved in the planning process—brainstorming, making suggestions and providing input about the Program Areas they are interested in. Then, with guidance from the Scouters, Scouts make the choices about what activities they will pursue along their Path. Scouters engage all Scouts in the planning for age-appropriate activities and adventures.
Everyone — Scouts and Scouters — are involved in the planned activities, and all youth are engaged and challenged in ways appropriate to their abilities. The Scout Law, Promise, and Motto of each Section make up the basic code of behaviour for activities — creating a well-rounded program full of fun and adventure.
It’s important to include Review as part of the process of Scout activities, so Scouts can learn how to reflect upon their involvement and to determine how to revise or enhance future activities.
At the end of the activity, or at the next Scout meeting, youth and Scouters should take time to talk about the activity. Here are some questions to help the Review, but Scouters and Scouts can also develop their own questions.
- What did you see or hear or notice?
- Did you take any photos that you’d like to share?
- What did you enjoy about this activity?
- What was a challenge for you in this activity?
- What do you know now that you didn’t know before?
- What might we do differently if we did this activity again?
Sometimes review will happen quickly and sometimes it will need more time.
Reference: Canadian Path